
Help us prevent injuries in Wellington County!

Safe Communities Wellington County is thrilled that you are interested in volunteering. We have a variety of different ways that you can participate as a volunteer. First, we would like to give you some background information. Safe Communities Wellington County has three main priority groups; Falls, Motor Vehicle Collisions (MVC) and Intentional Self Harm (ISH); we do, however, have an additional four areas of focus that include Accidental Poisonings, Sports and Recreation, Agriculture and Machinery, and Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety. We already have established groups in our top three, so, depending on your interest or direction you want to go in, you can choose one of those three to participate in. The Falls Group is focusing primarily on the aging population within Wellington County. The Motor Vehicle Group is primarily focusing on families and teens, and the Intentional Self Harm Group focuses on the entire population with slightly more emphasis on Teen Mental Health. As for the other four, we are looking for champions for these priorities. If you think you are that person, that is extraordinary!

The Priority Groups meet either monthly or bi-monthly that in some cases, correspond with the larger Leadership Table Meeting that we hold bi-monthly.

Alternatively, we have four Safe Communities Groups within Wellington County; Mapleton Safe Communities , Safe Communities Guelph/Eramosa, Minto Safe Communities, and Wellington North Safe Communities. They are all active groups who focus on a variety of different initiatives to prevent injuries in their townships. These groups may be of interest to you as well. They meet off site in their townships, but there is representation from these groups at the Leadership table.

Everyone is welcome to attend Leadership Table Meetings to see what Safe Communities Wellington County is all about.

If you are interested in pursuing a volunteer opportunity, please contact [email protected]

We look forward to meeting you!


Volunteer to help with an upcoming Safe Communities event.

Action Groups

Volunteer with one of our priority action groups.

Safe Communities

Volunteer with a local Safe Communities group.

Special Programs

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