Program Coordinator

I have had the privilege to work alongside individuals and organizations who are passionate about preventing injuries across Wellington County. As a resident, working together to prevent injuries is crucial in keeping Wellington County a safe place to live, work, play and thrive in.

Over the years, I have had the opportunity to work collaboratively with The County of Wellington, Guelph Wellington Dufferin Public Health, Wellington County OPP, Guelph Wellington Paramedic Services, Fire Services and many other organizations who are determined to decrease the amount of preventable injuries across Wellington County.

I love that I come into work and have the ability to educate and help prevent injuries in my own community and throughout all of our seven municipalities. My favourite time of year is October when we coordinate Safe Communities Day and Canadian Youth Road Safety Week . I have a chance to work alongside fantastic organizations, like Parachute Canada, who are educating youth and teenagers about injury prevention.

Please, do not hesitate to contact me at if you are interested in learning more about what Safe Communities Wellington County is doing to prevent injuries across Wellington County.

Below are a few documents you may want to view to understand the structure of Safe Communities and how our meetings are run!

Safe Communities Wellington County Terms of Reference

Safe Communities Leadership Table Minutes – May 2024