Community Safety & Wellbeing Plan

Building a Safer, Stronger Wellington: Understanding Ontario’s Community Safety and Well-being Plan

Here in Wellington County, we all deserve to feel safe and supported. The Ontario government’s Community Safety and Well-being (CSWB) Plan outlines a collaborative approach to achieving this goal. The County of Wellington and Safe Communties Wellington County are committed to keeping you informed about this important initiative.

What is the CSWB Plan?

The CSWB Plan is a framework that guides municipalities across Ontario in developing local plans to address the root causes of crime and social issues. It focuses on four key areas:

  • Social Development: Investing in factors like education, housing, and income security, which can significantly impact safety and well-being.
  • Prevention: Proactive programs and initiatives to reduce risks before they escalate.
  • Risk Intervention: Early intervention to prevent incidents and support individuals at risk.
  • Incident Response: Effective emergency response and victim support services.

How Does This Affect Wellington County?

The CSWB Plan empowers local communities like Wellington County to develop their own plans based on their unique needs. This allows us to tailor solutions that address the specific challenges we face. Local stakeholders, including community organizations, residents, and law enforcement, will work together to develop and implement a plan for Wellington County.

Stay Informed and Get Involved

The County of Wellington has completed a Community Safety and Wellbeing Plan and is currently starting the updating process. We will share information about:

  • Community consultations and engagement opportunities.
  • Key priorities identified in the local CSWB plan.
  • Initiatives and programs being developed to address local needs.

We encourage you to stay informed and get involved. Your voice matters in building a safer, stronger Wellington County for everyone.

Looking for More Information?

Together, we can create a thriving community where everyone feels safe and supported.

The Community Safety & Wellbeing Plan encompasses the Safety and Wellbeing Model; Critical and Non-Critical Incident Response, Mitigating Situations of Elevated Risk, Proactively Reducing Identified Risks, and Promoting & Maintaining Community Safety & Wellbeing. Wellington County understands that to grow, thrive, and prosper it must make every effort to cultivate and support partnerships internally and externally. This commitment will see the establishment of identified, actionable and attainable priorities, that together, will promote the safety and well-being of all those in the community.

Community Safety & Wellbeing Plan

The Full Community Safety & Well-Being plan is available in print by requesting a copy from