Agricultural Machinery and Tools
The vast majority of people who die in agriculture-related injury events are male. When compared with other Canadian industrial sectors, agriculture is a dangerous occupation. Agriculture ranks as the fourth most hazardous industry in Canada with respect to rates of fatal injury. In terms of absolute numbers of fatalities, there is no more dangerous occupation. Economic costs associated with agriculture-related injuries are also substantial. In 2004, agriculture-related injuries in Canada cost $465 million dollars. Unintentional injuries accounted for the majority of costs, 80% of all agriculture related injury costs ($374 million). (Source: Fatal Farm Injuries in Canada, Canadian Medical Association) (Source: SMARTRISK, (2009). The Economic Burden of Injury within the Agricultural Population in Canada) Almost half of all agriculture-related fatalities in Canada (44%) were due to three machine-related causes: machine runovers, machine rollovers and being pinned or struck by a machine component (total of 369 fatalities).