Falls Prevention

The Falls Action Group’s focus is to reduce the prevalence of falls in Wellington County in adults over the age of 65. Research shows that participating in exercise is proven to reduce the likelihood of falls; we work to raise awareness about the many opportunities older adults have to increase or maintain fitness level in their communities. In addition we have been sharing resources such as our booklet “Exercise at the Kitchen Sink” to frail seniors during appointments with their primary care provider.  We also completed “Rise up to Falls” to distribute to seniors who require more of a challenge.

The Falls Action Group also attends community events to share resources such as home safety checklists, exercise booklets and SMART exercise locations. We are currently working on our 50 hours of standing exercise reduces 1 fall initiative with over 250 older adults completing more than 50 exercise classes this year.

In November, which is Falls Prevention Month, members of our Falls Action Group are out in the community speaking to seniors groups about Falls and strategies on how to prevent them. 

Throughout 2024 we plan to focus on assistive aids, ensuring seniors have access, as well as, education about a number of aids that will help prevent falls and make everyday tasks, just a little bit easier.


  • Helen Edwards, Seniors Health Services Coordinator Seniors Centre for Excellence
  • Kelly Gee, Smart Exercise Coordinator VON
  • Olivia Fischer, Occupational Therapist. Mount Forest Family Health Team
  • Sandy Turner, Health Promoter, Minto-Mapleton Family Health Team
  • Janis Moriarity, Geriatric Nurse Specialist, Upper Grand Family Health Team
  • Nick Pellizzari, Health Promoter, Upper Grand Family Health Team
  • Susan McAuslen, Physiotherapist, Arthritis Society


Top Ten Valentine’s Gift Ideas for Grandma and Grandpa

  1. Good fitting shoes: Remember the first four letters in slippers is “SLIP”
  2. Long handled shoe horn
  3. Non-slip mats for the bath or shower
  4. Motion sensor lights for the front porch
  5. Motion sensor night lights for the bedroom, bathroom, and hallway
  6. Cordless phone: Rushing to answer the phone can cause a fall
  7. Install handrails on both sides of the stairwell
  8. Double Sided Tape for all area rugs and mats
  9. UVA/UVB Sunglasses
  10. Long handled reacher

Exercise improves balance & strength, and increases your bone density. All of these benefits will help to reduce the impact that a fall has on your life.

Call us to find an exercise program in your community 519-638-1000 or 1-866-446-4546

If you share an interest in preventing falls, please email christine@safewellington.ca for more information.